back LEADER funding

LEADER Funding on the Isle of Wight

The current Isle of Wight LEADER programme is now closed for applications. We are hoping to have a new LEADER programme on the island from the next Rural Development Programme for England which is due to commence in January 2015.

Isle of Wight LEADER 2007-2014 secured grant funding of £2.6 million of the RDPE programme to help boost the local rural economy. The money was available to landowners and other rural based businesses to improve the economic value of forests and add value to forestry products.

Farmers and growers were eligible for grant aid if they have projects that sought to modernise agricultural holdings, improve the economic value of forests or add value to agricultural or forestry products. In addition, for farmers working co-operatively, there was aid for the development of new products, processes and technologies. Unfortunately production could not be supported.

Applications were selected on a competitive basis and aid rates vary depending on individual projects, but are in the region of 40% – 50% for capital purchases.

For more information on LEADER contact Carol Flux at Natural Enterprise directly on 01983 or email

Click here for further information on LEADER funding on the Isle of Wight

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