back Grants for Foresters and Landowners

The new Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) opened for business on the 18th January 2008 until 2013; it has now closed for applications.

The RDPE is jointly funded by the EU, through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, and the UK Government. The RDPE provides a wide range of support for capital projects and training for farmers, growers, foresters, food businesses and rural communities. On the Island it supports large collaborative projects, all other projects are handled through the LEADER method of delivery, which is a competitive local selection approach.

We are working towards securing a new LEADER programme for the Island which, if successful, will be starting in January 2015.


The current LEADER Programme secured grant funding of £2.6 million of the RDPE programme to help boost the island’s local rural economy. The money was available to landowners and other rural based businesses to improving the economic value of forests and add value to forestry products.

Applications were selected on a competitive basis. Aid rates varied depending on individual projects, but were in the region of 40% – 50% and for capital purchases.

Click here for further information on LEADER funding on the Isle of Wight

Joining and Increasing Grant Scheme for Ancient Woodland.

This is a scheme to provide important links between isolated woodlands to assist the spread of red squirrel and other rare species. The scheme targets specific areas on the island. areas where links between woods would give the greatest benefit to the red squirrel.
The island is divided into three zones:
Zone 1 – applications here will take precedence where funding is oversubscribed. Grants will be offered for both linking and expanding ancient woodland
Zone 2 – applications will be considered after those in Zone 1 and will also be offered for both linking and expanding ancient woodland.
Zone 3 – applications here will be considered after those in Zone 2. All applications in this area must demonstrate that they are linking ancient woodlands.

Successful applications for JIGSAW will receive the same £2,000 per hectare of additional top up grant whether they are in zones 1, 2 or 3.

For details of the JIGSAW scheme please click here

The English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) is the Forestry Commission’s suite of grants designed to develop the co-ordinated delivery of public benefits from England’s woodlands. The aims of the EWGS are to:
*Sustain and increase the public benefits given by existing woodlands
*Help create new woodlands to deliver additional public benefit.

Before applying for an EWGS both you and your land must be registered.


Woodland Planning Grant
Preparation of plans that both assist with management of the woodland and meet the UK Woodland Assurance Standard.
For details please click here

Woodland Assessment Grant
Gathering of information to improve management decisions.
For details please click here

Woodland Regeneration Grant
Supporting desirable change in woodland composition through natural regeneration and restocking after felling.
For details please click here

Woodland Improvement Grant
Work in woodlands to create, enhance and sustain public benefits.
For details please click here

Woodland Management Grant
Contribution to additional costs of providing and sustaining higher-quality public benefits from existing woodlands.
For details please click here

Woodland Creation Grant
Encouraging the creation of new woodlands where they deliver the greatest public benefits, including annual Farm Woodland Payments to compensate for agricultural income forgone.
For details please click here

MOREwoods is a simple scheme to help you create beautiful new native woodland with advice and help from the Woodland Trust.
In just 12 years you could be walking through your own flourishing young forest of native trees; oak, ash, hazel, rowan. Native woods are a haven for wildlife and beneficial for our health and well being.

In addition, they can also provide excellent game cover, produce valuable products such as timber and wood fuel, help with pollution control, reduce soil erosion and can make an important contribution to addressing the challenges of land management in the face of climate change.

MOREwoods is available to landowners throughout the UK with a minimum of one hectare (2.5 acres) but that could comprise a number of smaller areas. Your application will be favoured if you can contribute towards the scheme.

Approved applications will be visited by one of the Woodland Trust advisers to check that the land is suitable and offer help on picking suitable species and tree protection – as well as assistance with design. For supported schemes, we can organise the work using experienced contractors.

Calor has become the Trust’s first corporate partner for MOREwoods. The firm’s minimum commitment of £250,000 over three years will help towards the development and delivery of MOREwoods.

The Woodland Trust has designed MOREwoods to be simple, with minimal paperwork, and no bureaucracy. To find out how MOREwoods can help you where you live, please visit the Woodland Trust website

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